Tuesday, May 27, 2008

picture of completed bed

Here are some pics of the finished bed. It has tomatoes and beet and carrot seed in it already so more pictures to follow.


Chris said...

Wow! That looks really nice!! Did you stain/treat the wood with anything to keep it from weathering? Or do the chemicals in that pretty much make them a no go? ANyway, they look really good, are you going to add more over time, or just the one?

Anonymous said...

Those look great!!!! Wow. Love you! Natalie

Kate said...

nope all natural. I didn't want any chemicals leaking in my veggies.

Anonymous said...

Gar did a great job. It looks great:-)

Unknown said...

wow, chica your raised bed looks much better than my wacked out tiers. Please give my compliments to the engineer. I don't suppose he could be bribed to come help me.

My pea have flowers so hopefully we will have some peas soon. Max and i have most of our tomatos and peppers in plus half the pumpkins and squash and corn, we are still planting out the corn, beans, cukes and melon. I am having germination issues so they are lagging behind.

oh and on the weather proofing you can use a food safe oil like linseed oil.

Chris said...

It's almost been a month since your last post! We need some updates. How is Dayton treating you? Getting all settled in? How is work? Got any summer travel plans? How are the doggies and kitty doing? And the garden? Sean's back after the patio pavers? Lots of questions!!