Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another F for the cute one!

Chris Sligh is going home! Good call Robyn! Tune in next week for more wrong predictions :-)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In reality TV land...

Tough call this week as to who is going home. Sanjaya was awful again. He murdered "Bathwater" and had horrible hair. However somebody is still voting for him. So I think he will be unfortunately safe again. My prediction for the bottom three are: Chris Richardson, Chris Sligh, and Haley.

Going home: Chris Richardson (also murdered "Don't speak" one of my favorite No Doubt songs)

However so far I'm not that good at picking who is going home so we'll see tonight!

In other reality TV news.... Sisely went home on "The search for the next doll" That show is really like a dream come true for all the men out there. For most of the show the contestants are half naked and dancing suggestively. Last night their challenge was to prove that they were sexy they had an hour to come up with and teach a short dance to a male partner. So bad yet I keep watching....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Crazy for citrus

This year I have discovered a new found liking of citrus fruits. First it was grapefruit and now oranges. Specifically Cara Cara Oranges. I should really thank my co-worker for the grapefruit thing. He was selling boxes of citrus for his church group and kept going on and on about how good the grapefruit was. So I decided what the heck it is for a good cause and bought a box. After that I was hooked. Got a little obsessed with them.

Now the for the oranges I should thank my sister Jenn. Jenn is always introducing me to new good stuff (pink lady apples, honey crisp apples, fennel, leeks, butternut squash soup, ....). I had part of a Cara Cara orange when I was in Seattle and liked it, so when I was at the whole foods this weekend I picked some up! They are pink inside and quite sweet. Even my cube-mate Amy who loves oranges is now thinking about trying to get some because they are so yummy!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Bond and Lake houses

I saw two movies this weekend: Casino Royale, and The Lake House. I loved the new Bond flick! Damn he is hot...why couldn't he go the whole movie without his shirt...I mean does he really need it? I'm feeling warm...moving on...I like the darker side to Bond. It made him seem more like real person as opposed to a hot action figure. Daniel Craig was edgier than Pierce. He had a more rough persona. I will definately rent this one another time.

As for the Lake House. It was a beautiful love story but you just had to suspend your belief since it wasn't realistic. I loved that they were writting letter to each other. Letter in my opinion are so much more personal then phone calls or e-mails. Something about hand writing notes is just more romantic. I love stationery and hand make cards. I think you communicate something beyond what you can with a phone call or e-mail. It is almost like you can express your body language in how you write a note. Extra care and effort goes into writing a letter. Maybe I'm just parochial because I love paper crafts and I'm a bit of a romantic. Oh and I totally want to read Persuasion by Jane Austen now. I love Pride and Prejudice!

Monday's are evil!

I hate Monday for sereval reasons:

1. Getting up early
2. Going to work
3. Trying to remember what it was your were doing last week and what needs to be done this week.
4. ?

Feel free to add to the list!

Friday, March 23, 2007 WHAT?

I found this hilarious site a while back that I have been meaning to share for is called WikiHow. It is like wikipedia but for how to do things. Example: the page I orginally found was "How to get your girlfriend to play video games." The advice it quite amusing while being practical at the same time...if that is possible.

Here is an excerpt:
"Many men will be forced, at some point, to part with their beloved game console by supreme order of their female companions. This can be avoided using proven game system/girlfriend social activities to gradually introduce gaming culture to your loved one and vice versa. You may not get her into Resident Evil, but she may end up playing some games you both can enjoy."

The pages are of course editable and you can add your own advice. Other somewhat entertaining pages are:

How to provide fake statistics and claims to support your arguments - "It is a well-known fact that 85% of all statistics are entirely fake. Additionally, several scientific studies have shown that providing numerical data and hard facts(whether legitimate or not) in your arguments, makes you appear 103% more persuasive. Thus, it is essential in today's world to be educated on this manipulative practice." How crazy it is that there advice about this topic.

How to give someone a hickey

How to convince people to go skinny dipping

The list goes on and on....Enjoy!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

2 for 4

I said I would predict each week who was going home on idol...I'm a little behind here were my picks for the last two and the results.

last week: Brandon (correct)
this week: Phil (incorrect stephanie)

so with one correct from before I still have a big old F. However Stephanie's exit was a bit of a surprise to most people I think. Especially considering she was definately better than Phil, Sanjaya, and Haley! Just more proof that the show isn't really totally about singing ability. However it does make for enteraining TV. Tune in for my prediction next week...I'll do it before the results I promise!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New skills for Max....

Saturday night Jenn, Max and I met Lily, Andrew, Ben and Eric (good friend of Andrew's) in down town Seattle. It was awesome to see Lily, Andrew and Ben since I hadn't seen them for at least a year. It was also nice meeting Eric who was quite the character :-). Jenn directed us to the Pyramid brewery which the boys didn't realize was "The Pryamid" Brewery as in the ones who make the apricot beer. I swear from this point on in the evening they worshiped Jenn!

Since it was St. Patrick's day the boys were on a beer quest which then resulted in much toasting. We were toasting everything and I mean everything... Well of course boys, beer, and baby boys resulted in them teaching Max to toast. Beer glasses to sippy cup! I really wish I had brought my camera because it was quite the hilarious site. All parties were quite amused. Max would smile and clap and the boys would laugh. All in all Max thought the boys were quite amusing...they kept doing voices and impressions the entire meal. Jenn said he has never sat happily at a restaurant that long before. All in all an excellent and quite funny evening.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Tuckered out!

I'm back! I had a great trip! I'll post all the details tomorrow...but right now I'm off to bed.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


This photo sums up my trip so far!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Seattle here I come...

Only one more hour....then I'm off to the airport! YAH! Of course it will still be hours before I land in Seattle but I'm exicited none the less. The main reason for this trip is to see my nephew Max! He is almost 2 and growing so FAST! I'm also looking forward to seeing my sister, her husband, Lily, Megan, Andrew, and Ben. Lily and Andrew I was planning on meeting up with. Ben and Megan are a bonus, since they live in Colorado and just happen to be visiting at the same time. It should be a blast and a great break from work since I've been working like a crazy woman!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I haven't lost my mind!

Some of you may be wondering what "ph34r t3h cute ones" means and whether I have completely lost my ability to spell or make coherent sentences. Not this time! The quote come from one of my favorite webcomics megatokyo. The phrase is in leet speak. Here is the definition from wikipedia: "Leet or Leetspeak (often written in Leet as 1337 or 13375p34k, or 13375p33|<) is a writing system used primarily on the Internet, particularly on IRC but nowadays also in most online video games. The term itself is a leet-form of the word elite, and generally has the same meaning when referring to the hacking or the gaming skills of another person." For more information see the whole article.

The phrase is a bit of an inside joke as well as my college people never believed that I could be mean or intimidating. People would say I was scary like a "fluffy bunny." When I came across "Fear the cute ones" it just seemed to fit me. I think that people under estimate me because I'm nice and sweet most of time however when I have an opinion I'm not afraid to voice it. Sometime it take people by surprise!

Monday, March 12, 2007


Most of you have probably noticed the side bar entitled "Current Obsessions." I thought I would take a second to explain. At first I noticed that I would get on food kicks. I wouldn't be able to get enough of a certain type of food. For example, I recently discovered that I liked grapefruits. I became obsessed with them and simply couldn't eat enough grapefruit. It was like my day wasn't be complete if I didn't eat a grapefruit. I slowly realized that food wasn't the only thing I would become infatuated with. So check back often to see what my current "can't get enough of" are!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bridal Tea

Tea was just perfect! What an awesome afternoon the 5 of us had. Isn't Shari the cutest bride surrounded by her bridesmaids? Robyn and Robin on one side and Sarah and I on the other. The food was so yummmmy....and the tea was good too! Girly afternoons are the best!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

What is it about reality tv?

What is it about reality TV? It just grabs you, like giant slimy tentancles. Not only do I watch American Idol, I've to been stucked into America's next top model, and the search for the next pussy cat doll. I just sit there riveted to my TV, unable to unglue my butt from the couch cushions. Minute after minute of drama trauma and I can't get enough. Will it release its grip or will I add yet another reality TV show to my DVR. At least I can fast forward through the commericals and Ryan Seacrest!

The results: I got an F

Well 2 out of 4 is not bad....execpt it is really an F. Well vote for the worst saved Sanjaya but not Antonella. I'm not sure how much longer they can help him....I guess we'll see. Jared just wasn't interesting enough and Sundance got edged out by the curse of the worst. Hopefully Sanjaya gets better or eliminated sooner than Bucky last year.

I think the boys are going down next week....Go girls! (Especially Melinda!)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Who is getting the boot?

All the boys...I wish! Just kidding mabye we can just keep the two Chris. What am I talking about? American Idol of course. From now until the end of the season I will be making predictions on who will be cut. We'll see how good I am!

Boys: Jared and Sanjaya
Girls: Haley and Antonella

Weighing in

And the number is.....127 lbs (at least according to the scale at the gym)

Measurements to come later.....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tags, Tags, and more Tags

I recently discovered the coolest website. Once you get an account you can kept all your bookmarks in one place accessible from any computer. You can attach tags to each bookmark and then search the tags. Excellent for doing research on a specific topic. Also be sure to check out the popular and recent sections to see what other people are bookmarking. It is almost like you are spying on other peoples interests....I like to check everyday for the most popular sites or hotlist...It changes drastically for day to day. Don't forget the tags to watch at the top right now wet cats. Check it out!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Bikini Time

I know what you are is only march...not warm enough for swimsuits. But it will be in May in Puerto Rico. Sean and I will be heading to Puerto Rico in May for a much needed vacation! We are staying at the cutest house...make sure to check out the 180 degree view. The house is about 10 minutes from the closest beach. Besides the beach there is tons of other stuff to see and do there. Rum anyone? Check out the Bacardi rum distillery. Plus the only rain forest in the US park services. Is it May yet?

Getting rid of my pudge

So last week I start the Self challenge. It is a free exercise and diet program sponsored by self magazine. I have attempted to do the challenge in previous years but never completed it. Well I'm telling you this year is the year. If any of you out there would like to join me please let me know. I'll be posting my weight and measurements later so I can track my progress. Check back later to see my progress. If all goes well Sean has promised me a new pair of boots...and I don't mean the cheap ones...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Black Thumb

People who know me know that I don't have a green thumb...I basically kill plants. Well a few months ago I inherited a bunch of plants from a co-worker who moved to an office without windows. To be totally truthful my cubemate/co-worker Amy and I inherited them. Well I'm happy to report after 6 months all 10 or so plants are still alive and producing new growth. Now I know what you are was all Amy right? Well on the contary, the plant that sits on my file cabinent gets cared for solely by me. It did have a down turn after christmas it is now starting to thrive again. It is sending out new growth and everything. To be honest I did some research and discovered it was a philodendron. My success inspired my to get a small plant for my house. As you can see it is doing pretty least so far. I'll keep everyone posted on its fate.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


So I decided to get with the program and start blogging. To make it more fun I enlisted my friend Shari to join me. Today we sat my at dining room table and designed our blogs together. Aren't we cute!