Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sean finally graduated and life is mostly back to normal here at our house. Here are some pictures from the big event.

The whole family

The whole section

Relieved and happy couple

The ladies

Proud mom

Actually receiving the diploma

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting back to one of my true loves...

The pool. I started swimming again this week. Saturday, Sean and I joined the YMCA which is 5 minutes from the house. It has a great pool, weight room, cardio room, and fitness classes. The pool is currently kicking my butt, however it feels great to be swimming again. I forgot how much I missed it and what a good workout it is. Sunday I swam for about 30 minutes and stopped counting yards since I was in massive pain. Today I swam for about 25 minutes and did 1000 yards. I can remember when I was doing 4000-5000 a workout! I guess I'll have to work up to that. I'm going to go again Thursday morning. Maybe I can do 1200 yards then.

Oh and I definately need a few new suits I think the one I have will be see thur shortly! I don't want to be flashing the old men, might have a heart attack!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A friend filled Christmas

Due to Sean's thesis we stayed in Dayton again for Christmas. With no family coming to visit we invited friends from AFIT to join us for Christmas dinner. I made a beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes and green beans. It all came out well and was actually mostly stress free. I even managed to exercise before dinner.

Merry Doggy Christmas

The dogs had a super fantastic christmas. Here are some pictures of them with their presents.

New arrangements

Before Christmas I rearranged our living room to fit the Christmas tree and turned a walkway into a cozy room. I'm so happy with the new arrangement that I'm keeping it! Here are some pictures of the new arrangement and our new Christmas tree.