Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting back to one of my true loves...

The pool. I started swimming again this week. Saturday, Sean and I joined the YMCA which is 5 minutes from the house. It has a great pool, weight room, cardio room, and fitness classes. The pool is currently kicking my butt, however it feels great to be swimming again. I forgot how much I missed it and what a good workout it is. Sunday I swam for about 30 minutes and stopped counting yards since I was in massive pain. Today I swam for about 25 minutes and did 1000 yards. I can remember when I was doing 4000-5000 a workout! I guess I'll have to work up to that. I'm going to go again Thursday morning. Maybe I can do 1200 yards then.

Oh and I definately need a few new suits I think the one I have will be see thur shortly! I don't want to be flashing the old men, might have a heart attack!


Shari said...

That's so exciting! Definitely keep us updated on your progress...

Unknown said...

ah, we have been going 2-3 times a week. max and josh play basketball while i swim and then max gets to play in the pool for a while. Last time we went it was really busy and i was swimming with two fast guys. just keeping up was painful. Oh well someday i will be in better shape, at least my turns still are fast. Do you find swimming puts you in this zen zone? Like there is nothing but the movement of the water and the pounding of your heart as you glide thru the water stroking and kicking and breathing. ok maybe it is just me but i find it relaxing in a kick your ass tired kind of way that few other exercises ever do. Anywho keep working at it. it didn't take my long to get up to 1500-1800 in 30 minutes. oh and i got my last suit from amazon.com. I think next time i am going to splurge a little and get a polyester one. they should last alot longer. darn plastic.

Its a young life.... said...

Yeah, I played soccer the other day with the girls team.....amazing how much one can leave behind..... :)