I thought it was time to post some picture of all of my babies. So the top one is obviously Charlie and the bottom one is Quincy and Toby. I think it is fairly easy to tell the two of them apart but that could be because I see them everyday. So any guesses as to which one is which?
They do look pretty different.
Quincy is on the left and Toby is on the right.
By the way, could you have Sean email me about which TV he picked and some of the reasons he went with that one?
I think Q is on the left, but they do look similar.
Funny pictures, Charlie's looks like it was taken right out of The Wizard of OZ when the house landed on the wicked witch and only her legs are sticking out. My first thought was "why did they drop the bookshelf on the cat?" And the dogs do look pretty close, I had to look at yesterdays Toby pictures to pick him out, different coloring around the eyes.
sure squish the cat and don't post any house pictures. pretty please house pictures.
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