Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Without internet

Sean and I have been without internet at home now for about 2 weeks. Stupid Time Warner. We are in the process of switching to AT&T. Apparently you don't have to paid for a phone line to have DSL anymore. It is amazing how much you don't realize you depend on the internet until you don't have it anymore. Granted we haven't been completely without since I have internet at work all day and Sean has internet at school.

However there have been times I wanted to write an e-mail or pay a bill or write a blog post and I can't. Then I have to take time at work to do the above thus staying later. I will be super exicited when we have the internet back.

On a side note if you are wondering why I haven't complained about my cable being out as well it is because we now have an antenna only. We have a HD antenna and I are able to get abc, nbc, cbs, fox, cw, and 5 pbs stations. I had no idea that we had so many PBS stations and that they provided such good programming. I watched an awesome program on Gaint Pandas the other day. They are so cute!!!


Chris said...

We have At&t for our internet, phone, and cable. They seem to be really reliable, and since there is a large majority of old people in our neighborhood who aren't very tech savvy I think our connection is pretty fast.

Are you going to get cable again, or just stick with the antenna? We have really enjoyed Directv, except when it is really stormy outside.

Kate said...

possibily after Sean is done with his thesis. we we definatey consider direct tv since we really don't want to go back to time warner.