Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The daily WTF

I'm starting a new series on the blog called the daily WTF. It is a place for me to post crazy things that either happen to me or that I witness. Today I have a couple so far:

1. I saw a women today wearing stiletto heels and an ankle brace! For those of you reader who are not female it takes a lot of ankle power to walk in stiletto heels. Basically you put all of your weight on the ball of your foot because that tiny weeny pencil thin heel is very hard to balance on. Perhaps there is another method I'm unaware of but still ankle brace and pencil thin heels are a bad combination!

2. Re-reviewing a document only to find correction made in the first review not implemented. I'm not talking about controversial grammar or sentence changes I'm referring to incorrect content. So I had to correct the content a second time which didn't make me very happy. On the plus side using a pomegranate to calm down works quite well. It take quite a bit of concentration to get those darn little seeds out!

Feel free to throw out your daily WTFs!


Chris said...

Chocolate.....WTF......why do people have to give it out as Halloween candy. I think I'm going to gain 20 pounds in Chocolate alone. It's not as good as stiletto heels and an ankle brace, but still why????

Its a young life.... said...

WTF: 38 kids in a 21 X 26 room. 11 kids over fire code. WTF!!!

Chris said...

Prop 8 getting shot down in California....WTF....When will wake up?

Kate said...

Excellent WTFs!!!

Its a young life.... said...

My sister recently photoshopped her husband into a picture, which she stole from our parents house. She returned the print instead of the original, and is having a difficult time understanding why we are angry with her. WTF? Is she really that dumb?

Chris said...

Oh I got that beat, my sister divorced her husband last year, moved into an apartment, and now a year later has moved back into their house and is renting from him! I should clarify, he has moved out and is living with a new lady. But WTF, who would want your ex to be your landlord? What if he decides he wants to break up with his new lady friend and then evict my sister? WTF, at some point you need to look out for numero uno!

Its a young life.... said...

You win Chris! Yikes!

Chris said...

WTF...leaves! "hi I'm a leaf....I'm pretty all summer long....then it gets cold and I die and fall on the ground and make some schlub rake me up....but I refuse to fall all at once with all of the other dead leaves....I like the process to take FOREVER so that the raker has to waste hours every weekend." Um, yeah...I've got issues with fall!

Chris said...

My sister wised up and is getting out of that mess, so I have to retract that WTF....and defer my win back to Natalie on the WTF sister battle front. Of course next week she could do something even more stay tuned!

Its a young life.... said...

Try this one on: Pokkadot button up shirt, yellow sweater (imagine 80's), gray CSU vest, black lineman like jecket, brown slacks, tennis shoes, Farrah Fawcett hair. Imagine that. And she thinks she looks good? WTF, you look like trash, and you don't match!

Its a young life.... said...

Try this one: buy someone a gift....then no thank you....not even in a text. FINE!!!!! No more presents for that person!!!!!!