Monday, November 26, 2007

A Texas Thanksgiving

Sean and I had a really nice Thanksgiving in Texas at Sean's grandma and grandpa's house. I feel like all I did while I was there was eat. I must have gained at least a few pounds. Although Sean and I tried to exercise. We ran on Thursday and walked on Friday. So it probably could have been more pounds....

Sean's grandma fussed over us the entire time and it was nice to just sit and relax. I also finally got to meet Sean's Aunt and Uncle and their kids. Everyone was super nice and we had a great food fulled time. I love Thanksgiving, it is my favorite holiday!!!

How was everyone else's Thanksgivings?


Shari said...

Glad to hear that you had a lot of fun! Our Thanksgiving(s) were good, although pretty hectic. I think we might need a vacation from our vacation!!!!

Chris said...

We had a good Thanksgiving, turkey with all the trimmings. Then leftovers, and leftovers, and some more leftovers! I'm going to look for a recipe for leftover turkey we have so much left. Glad you guys had fun!

Dan said...

Sounds like a like of fun! I wish we had been able to relax as much as you guys did!