Monday, October 1, 2007

How can it be October?

This year has really flew by. I can't believe that it is October. Sean and I have now lived in Ohio for over a month. Sean starts his classes today for his masters degree. So the next year and half will be totally different from the last 3 years we have been married. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Shari's wedding is only a couple of weeks away. I can't wait to be back in Boston and see everyone and witness this super special moment in two of my closest friends lives. I may have to stuff some Kleenex down the front of my dress and invest in water proof mascara.

October means fall, my second favorite season but it also means winter is coming. So far fall in Ohio has been warmer than usual and not very rainy. Some of the leaves have started to turn. I know it won't be an picturesque has it is back east but hopefully there will be some good color. Perhaps I will have to look up and see if there is an ideal place to view the colors here in Ohio. We have been talking about camping in the red river gorge this coming weekend so will see if there is any color there yet.

It is hard to believe that winter is upon feel like just last week summer was starting and moving to Ohio was months away. Winter is my least favorite season. I plan on keeping myself as busy as possible so I forget is cold and gray. It probably won't be that hard since most of the housework will fall to me with Sean doing school. It is a good thing that my new washer and drier Rock!

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