Wednesday, October 3, 2007

So many projects and so little time

I have so many projects I want to accomplish before Christmas. Most of them present related. I think I'm going to have to develop a plan of action if I want to accomplish all of them. So on my project list so far I have:

1. Christmas cards
2. Costume for ball in November (more info on that later)
3. Curtain/window treatments for living room, dining room, craft room, our bedroom, guest room, and Sean's office. So really I should have just said the whole house.
4. Paint our bedroom
5. Get new duvet cover for our bed
6. Paint closets
7. Other secret projects.

There are definitely days I wished that I didn't work full time. But even then I'm not sure if I could get everything I want done done.

Anyone got any projects they want to share? I'm also considering starting a second blog about my artsy/crafty project. What do you guys think?


Chris said...

Any chance you want to come out here and work on some of our projects? We are trying to weed our gardens so that we can get our bulbs planted. I did the front flower beds on Sunday, but Bridget didn't get to far on the backyard. I think I have a lot of painting projects to do as well, but these are inside ones so I can wait till winter is officially here for those.

Anonymous said...

The babies are very cute! Congrats!

I want to see pictures of your crafts, but probably email them to me so that no one can snipe them from you.

Love you!

Dan said...

Just relax and you'll get through it all! Hope all is well!