Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A new year a new resolution

Last year my New Year's resolution was to watch less TV. Thanks to my DVR and cutting many worthless shows (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, and a few more) I was able to do a pretty good job accomplishing this goal. This year my resolution is to tone up and be more fit. In order to accomplish this goal I decided the most important thing was to develop a routine. In the past I have tried to exercise after work or in the evening. I would always come up with excuses or need to get home to make dinner. I also don't really like to shower more than once a day because I have dry skin. So I decided that I should start exercising in the morning before work. Of course this means getting up a little earlier and being more consistent about my wake up time. However I find that I do better when I have a routine so this hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. It also helps that most people I work with don't get to work until 9am or a little later.

So far so good. I get up at 7am, exercising by 7:15am, and in the shower by 8am. It is still a little dark in the morning to go walking or running so I've mostly been following workouts on the TV. Our cable has Exercise on Demand. They have a variety of classes at different exercise levels. I'll keep you all posted as to how it is going!

Anyone else want to share their resolutions?


Chris said...

I think routine is a great idea! I think that is what really got me started on my weight loss journey, I'd hit the rec center every day at 11 AM. Pretty soon I became a regular, and now it is like Norm on Cheers when I walk into that place! Good luck on your resolution, stick to it and it will become 2nd nature. If you start feeling like things are going badly, send me an e-mail and I'll send you some motivation...I'll be your emergency contact exercise buddy!

Unknown said...

good luck chica, We have been trying to go to the gym on thursdays and sundays. It has been an uphill battle. Josh never wants to go. Max of course always does. sigh. hugs