I had a horrid day yesterday. I won't bore everyone with all the details it was just a lot of little things that built up. However I cheered myself up last night with watching one of my favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice (BBC production...not the new one which is awful in my opinion). I'm not sure what it is about this movie but I always feel better after I watch some or all of it. I watched most of part 1 last night as it is a 6 hour movie. I've watched it so many times that I can almost recite all of the lines. My other comfort movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. Both are excellent movies that I would recommend highly to all my female friends....as they are mostly chick flicks. Although Sean will halfway watch while he is doing something else. Anyone have any comfort movies they would like to share? I'm not sure if this is just a chick thing or not.....
Oh and bonus...Colin Firth is super hot in this movie (especially in the scene above)
My go-to movies were always Breakfast at Tiffany's and Hope Floats. Although Hope Floats is pretty sappy...
Center Stage is always a good one too!
Hope today is better than yesterday...
Try Braveheart or Fight Club, they always cheer me up! Ummm, maybe it is a guy thing/girl thing? We also recently saw 300, that might do it as well!
I go for the cheesy comedy when in need of cheering up... Austin Powers (the 1st one), South Park and Road Race all seem to do the trick!
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