Friday, June 1, 2007

losing my mind lately

I think I may be losing my mind lately. I keep having this problem where I type an e-mail or blog post or something of that nature and I substitute different words in. I have to go back and read all things very carefully because the word I typed is usually not even close to what I meant. Like I mean to type have and type not. Those words are not even close. They don't start with the same letter! and don't mean any where close to the same thing. Do you think my body is trying to tell me get more sleep, or stop taking tons of allergy medicine, or take more allergy medicine, or something else that is unknown to me.

I have a hug pile of Kleenex on my desk and I'm waiting for a call back from my doctor about getting a stronger Rx for my allergies. I can't seem to focus on anything. I'm being waiting to hear back all week about the resumes I submitted last week to Raytheon and Ball. But nothing! I mean I don't think I should worry too much since this week was a holiday week but I was really hoping to hear something. I guess I will submit some more resumes this weekend. Job searching totally sucks and is probably contributing to my total basket case behavior!


Anonymous said... is your friend. It helped me with an internal transition: a few people that I worked with in the past saw my resume on monster and called me up.

Chris said...

I wouldn't worry about your typing different words start talking like Yoda. Not losing your mind you are, crazy are you driving your allergies!

Unknown said...

I have had various weird reactions to a couple allergy medications. One I had been taking for a long time and then I got what I call "foggy brain syndrome" on it. Each time I just switched to different type and things went much better.

I would think about switching. Strength might not be the issue.

Have you ever tried, I think the name is, zyrtec?

Anonymous said...

zyrtec? try Knob Creek instead... :)