Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Visions of the future

I came into the bedroom last night to get ready for bed and Sean and Quincy were cuddling together on the bed. Quincy was making himself quite comfortable in my spot. He is allowed on the bed but only when we invite him up and there is sheet covering the comforter and pillows. They looked so cute and content (except Quincy was giving me the don't make me get down yet...this is my spot eyeball) I suddenly had visions of a King sized bed full of animals and children. Sean has been talking about upgrading to a King bed for sometime....I'm not sold on the idea since I'm not sure I want Quincy sleeping with us nightly. Besides a bigger bed just seems like an invitation for other people and animals to join in. Although the image looks cozy....I think my sleep would suffer. Charlie already wakes me up at least once a night!


Robyn said...

if you get a king size bed, shari, dan and i are totally going to sleep in it also. if you can have pets in it, you can have friends!

Kate said...

That would be one full bed! LOL!

Chris said...

We have definitely had both kids and the St. Bernard in our queen sized bed before, makes for a crowded night time! We have been thinking of going up to a king size too, but we won't be kicking anybody out (kids and dog that is, friends might have to go!).

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey! I love a king sized bed. It means I can sleep all spralled out! Only cats in bed though, since they don't really have any rules.