Sean and I put an offer on a house today! We have already received a counter offer which we are mauling over tonight. We are super exicited about the house! It is a brick ranch with 2000 sq ft. So plenty big for our little family of 4. Above are a few pictures of the house. First is the front of the house, second part of the kitchen plus Bob our buyer's agent, and third the family room. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens.
Also tomorrow is my interview with the Dayton office of my current company. So wish me luck! I really want this to workout because job hunting sucks and I'm really exicited about the position.
I hope that both the house and the job interview work out for you - I know how stressful life's been lately! Can't wait to hear how everything sorry I was so busy this weekend...
how wonderful! can't wait to hear about everything. and i'll keep my fingers crossed!!
You better post as soon as you hear! Good luck on the interview as well, they'd be crazy to pass on you. The house looks like it has a good sized yard as well, kitchen looks big too. Nice work, I hope everything goes well!
Looks wonderful! I will definitely have to come down and visit!
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