Monday, July 23, 2007

Going back to my childhood

Last night to celebrate Sean and Dan birthday's we met some friends for dinner at The Border Cafe and then saw Transformers. It was great to see everyone and catch-up and the food was pretty good. Although not the best Mexican I've had, it took care of my craving for the moment. Plus no meal can be truly bad with a margaritas and guacamole.

Then most of us headed to the movie theater. Let me preference this review with, I hadn't seen any previews for Transformers and had no expectation about it. Also I'll add that I generally like movies based on comic books, with the exception of the Spiderman movies....the actor who plays Peter really annoys me. Well anyways I LOVED IT! I thought it was absolutely hilarious and entertaining. I will grant you that it had some disjointed parts but overall I thought the plot was good and the corniness was at the right level. I think the movie transported me back to watching cartoons as a child. It almost felt like a kids cartoon the way it was slightly over the top and the dialog was corny. At one point during the movie I leaned over to Sean and said "They are so shiny." Anyways I was extremely entertained and amused! It could have been my mood last night or the lack of sleep or perhaps the fat overload from mexican but I was the only one who really like it! Mostly everyone else thought it was pretty good but could have been better. Dan has a nice review on his blog.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I thought it was good not great, but I'm glad you enjoyed the movie so much! Also, thanks for the E-Card!