Friday, March 23, 2007 WHAT?

I found this hilarious site a while back that I have been meaning to share for is called WikiHow. It is like wikipedia but for how to do things. Example: the page I orginally found was "How to get your girlfriend to play video games." The advice it quite amusing while being practical at the same time...if that is possible.

Here is an excerpt:
"Many men will be forced, at some point, to part with their beloved game console by supreme order of their female companions. This can be avoided using proven game system/girlfriend social activities to gradually introduce gaming culture to your loved one and vice versa. You may not get her into Resident Evil, but she may end up playing some games you both can enjoy."

The pages are of course editable and you can add your own advice. Other somewhat entertaining pages are:

How to provide fake statistics and claims to support your arguments - "It is a well-known fact that 85% of all statistics are entirely fake. Additionally, several scientific studies have shown that providing numerical data and hard facts(whether legitimate or not) in your arguments, makes you appear 103% more persuasive. Thus, it is essential in today's world to be educated on this manipulative practice." How crazy it is that there advice about this topic.

How to give someone a hickey

How to convince people to go skinny dipping

The list goes on and on....Enjoy!

1 comment:

Chris said...

The funny part about the skinny dipping article is it doesn't mention how much alcohol you would have to serve your friends before they would get naked! I was reading "how to ride a unicycle" looks painful!