Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Crazy for citrus

This year I have discovered a new found liking of citrus fruits. First it was grapefruit and now oranges. Specifically Cara Cara Oranges. I should really thank my co-worker for the grapefruit thing. He was selling boxes of citrus for his church group and kept going on and on about how good the grapefruit was. So I decided what the heck it is for a good cause and bought a box. After that I was hooked. Got a little obsessed with them.

Now the for the oranges I should thank my sister Jenn. Jenn is always introducing me to new good stuff (pink lady apples, honey crisp apples, fennel, leeks, butternut squash soup, ....). I had part of a Cara Cara orange when I was in Seattle and liked it, so when I was at the whole foods this weekend I picked some up! They are pink inside and quite sweet. Even my cube-mate Amy who loves oranges is now thinking about trying to get some because they are so yummy!

1 comment:

Shari said...

We had some Cara Cara oranges last week - they are so good!!!!!