Sunday, March 4, 2007

Black Thumb

People who know me know that I don't have a green thumb...I basically kill plants. Well a few months ago I inherited a bunch of plants from a co-worker who moved to an office without windows. To be totally truthful my cubemate/co-worker Amy and I inherited them. Well I'm happy to report after 6 months all 10 or so plants are still alive and producing new growth. Now I know what you are was all Amy right? Well on the contary, the plant that sits on my file cabinent gets cared for solely by me. It did have a down turn after christmas it is now starting to thrive again. It is sending out new growth and everything. To be honest I did some research and discovered it was a philodendron. My success inspired my to get a small plant for my house. As you can see it is doing pretty least so far. I'll keep everyone posted on its fate.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriend! I think its neat that you are managing to keep that plant alive. Thanks for the chat last night. I felt much after we talked. I love you from here to the moon and back!

Unknown said...

Nice blog toots. The plant is cool too. Hmmm... i should get somes plants, its entirely to lifeless in here. Anyhow love ya sis.