Today is apparently take you child to work day. There are kids everywhere at work today! One little girl just stop out side my cube and said to her mom that there was a wolf. Her mom said "a real wolf?" and then the little girl said "no a picture". It was so cute. Children just seem to have a way to lighten your day without even really trying. They are just being themselves!
On a related note I think I only attended take your child to work day once. I went to NCAR with my best friend and her dad. I couldn't go with my dad to work because it was to dangerous. For those unaware my father in an electric engineer for General Electric. He works on big power equipment like generators. I did however once get to see the inside of Rudi which is a big hydro-electric dam in glennwood springs Colorado. It was pretty neat. I think we were on the way home from my Hayden (near Steamboat springs) and he wanted to check on something so we stopped by.
My dad is forever the engineer! On the christmas following my first year in college I recieved a small tool box stocked with tools. At the time I wasn't very exicited but the tool box came in handy and still continues to come in handy all the time. So thanks Dad!
Anyone have any memories of going to work with their parents?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Beautiful Weather Today!

Today is absolutely beautiful in Boston! I just got back from a walk at lunch time. There was a nice breeze and it wasn't as hot as yesterday. Just perfect. For those living in Mass try to get out and enjoy some sun shine and warmth today! Perfect weather for the Sox's game tonight....for those going enjoy!
On a sort of weather related note...I've taken and interesting in gardening lately. So expect some garden related posts in the future. After work I'm picking up some books I reserved about gardening at the library and I've been slowly collecting possibly helpful website on my account. I also offered my help to my neighbor across the street to help with his garden this year. Last year and the year before he would leave us vegetable deliveries when he had an over flow. I made some awesome zucchini bread with one of his delivers and Jenn made some good pesto when she, Josh, and Max were visiting from the overflow of basil he had last year.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Exercise Progress
I just wanted to post a quick note about my exercise progress. While I have not been able to do the Self challenge like I wanted to because of my hands I have been doing cardio around 3 times a week. This last 2 weeks I've really steped it up. So far I've lost 2-3 pounds and reduced some of my pud. While I haven't measured lately my clothes are a little looser in the tummy area and I'm less self conscience about the it, so I'm calling it progress. In prepartion for our trip to Puerto Rico, I tried on my swimming suits and while some area were more jiggly then I would have liked, overall not so bad. I still have 19 days (see top right for the count down) to make some more progress in that area! Not that I'm going to quit after our trip!
I'm attempting to work up to running so Saturday I walked some and then ran some and so on. It is getting easier to run but my legs still get tired pretty quickly. The elliptical must work most of the muslces but not the inner thighs because my inner thighs always hurt after I do some running.
I'm attempting to work up to running so Saturday I walked some and then ran some and so on. It is getting easier to run but my legs still get tired pretty quickly. The elliptical must work most of the muslces but not the inner thighs because my inner thighs always hurt after I do some running.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A pleasantly shocking idol
Sanjaya finally went home on American Idol! I was very happy to see him go home. If I had done a prediction this week I would have gotten it wrong. I thought Chris would have gone home. I was shocked that Blake and Lakisha were the next lowest votes. I didn't actually watch Tues episode until the result show are airing hence no prediction.
In other reality TV news... Melissa S. went home on the dolls. I was happy to see her go...she had a bit of an attitude problem. My prediction is that Melissa R. will win it all. Although it could really be any of the three left since Robin is a bit unpredictable. I really think she would keep them all if she could. She gets so choked up when she has to eliminate is really quite cute.
In other reality TV news... Melissa S. went home on the dolls. I was happy to see her go...she had a bit of an attitude problem. My prediction is that Melissa R. will win it all. Although it could really be any of the three left since Robin is a bit unpredictable. I really think she would keep them all if she could. She gets so choked up when she has to eliminate is really quite cute.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Today's Smile: Heroic Hamster

*that movie guy voice* Mohi the hamster was just the typical hammie next door--fluffy, wiggly-nosed, and just so itty bitty cuuute! Little did he know that he would be called to fight against evil robots for the right of easy treat retrieval for hamsters everywhere!
*struggle* "Gimme, gimme!" ;)
A super-heroic and super-adorable scene from the soon to be blockbuster hammie movie this fall "Mohi Makes His Move"--directed by mizuha!
--- Above caption from: The Cute Project
This picture just cracks me up! I had two hamsters growing up and I'm still at a loss for what exactly this hamster is to speculate though! Hope this one gives you a chuckle!!!
Charlie's attempt to poision Quincy failed!
Sean and I had a bit of scare last night when we came home from dinner and found Quincy chewing on a bottle of Rx pills. Apparently Charlie had knocked the bottle off the dining room table and batted it into the kitchen where Quincy was confined. Quincy is his infinite wisdom decided that it would be a good chew toy and chewed off a corner spilling out some of the pills. There were 7 partially chewed on pills on the floor and a bunch still in the bottle. So then there was mad counting to figure out how many he might of ingested. We determined that he didn't actually eat any whole just may have ingested some from the chewed on pills. So I then call the emergency number at my vet and then he told me to call animal poison control. I didn't even know there was an animal poison control! Anyways that cost me 55 dollars, of course worth the money. It turned out that he didn't ingest enough to cause to many problems. We just had to watch him for more mild symptoms such as: anxiety, sleepiness, dilated pupils, drunkenness (walking like drunk).
He seems okay last night and this morning so disaster adverted. I got a well deserved lecture from my mom about not leaving those kind of things lying around and for not taking better care of her granddog. Sean is also little mad at me for being careless. I feel awful and will be more careful in the future! My mom also told me to give Charlie a stern look and talking to which I did however I'm not sure he really understood.
He seems okay last night and this morning so disaster adverted. I got a well deserved lecture from my mom about not leaving those kind of things lying around and for not taking better care of her granddog. Sean is also little mad at me for being careless. I feel awful and will be more careful in the future! My mom also told me to give Charlie a stern look and talking to which I did however I'm not sure he really understood.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Today's Smile: Darwin
I love animals especially baby animals!!! They are so innocence and clumsy and cute of course. I have a special place in my heart for spaniels, since we have a Brittany, so above is a King Charles spaniel. They are a little smaller than a Cocker. Here is the breed page from AKC. The image is from one of my favorite website when I need a little pick me up "The Daily Puppy." More picture of the Darwin!
I was extremely saddened by yesterday's events at Virginia Tech. It brought back bad memories from the high school and the Columbine tragedy. While I didn't personally know any one who died at Columbine my bestfriend's boyfriend's best friend was killed. A week later a math teacher at our school drowned in her hot tub. She was a good teacher and an awesome person. I had her for 2 years and her death came as shock to our already shook up school. While I can't entirely relate to what the people at that university and in that town are going through my heart goes out to each and everyone of them. I will never understand what causes a person to do something that terrible. I'm not sure what the answer we require everyone to go to conseling or do we abolish the use of many questions and no answers.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Getting to be an aunt again!
Friday, April 13, 2007

It has been an extremely long and busy week! I'm so glad that it is almost over!!! I just have to get through today and then I can relax for 2 days before starting it all over next week. I 'm starting a count down of the days left until my trip to Puerto Rico! I can't wait to go to the airport and get my trip started. I still need to get a new swim suit and some new beach clothes...I mean you can't go on a beach vacation with out at least getting one or two new outfits right? I'm thinking a cute sun dress and a cute jersey skirt to go over my swim suit...not the really short ones! Perhaps I'll go shopping this weekend.....
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Finally I get one right!
It is amazing, I actually got a prediction correct! Haley went home last night on American Idol. Sean and all the other males viewers are probably sad because their only eye candy was sent home. However as far and singing and performing she is miles behind all the other women and Blake. Tune it next week to see if I can get two in a row! I'm not holding my breath on this one but there is a good chance Phil will be the next to go and that was my second choice for this week.
Today's Smile: Washing a cat!

I found this website a while back and it make me smile everytime I look at it. It is a little cruel but very realistic. It always makes me remember that it could be worse!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Could it really get any worse?
Idol last night was terrible. Even my favorites weren't that good! Oh and news flash there are other latin singer besides Santana (who I love) and Gloria Estefan (she is alright). First off Gloria's songs are not really all that hard to sing range wise. They are fun songs no question about that but Simon was right they are not singers songs. Second Chris murdered the Santana song. Rob Thomas was ten times or more better than his attempt. Not a good song choice for him. I know I'm a little biased since I hate Justin Timberlake and Chris reminds me of him...but still I don't think he will make the final. Jordan and Blake were my favorites and I do have to admit that Sanjaya wasn't totally awful just mostly awful. So now for what I sure you all have been waiting for with much anticipation, my predictions!
Bottom Three: Phil, Haley, Chris
Going home: Haley (I still don't think she was wearing a hot enough outfit this week, Sean was looking for some more clevage!)
Bottom Three: Phil, Haley, Chris
Going home: Haley (I still don't think she was wearing a hot enough outfit this week, Sean was looking for some more clevage!)
Smile for the day: Animal love

I'm going to start a new semi daily post about websites or pictures that make me smile. Everyone needs a little cheer to get through long days so check back when you need a smile or laugh. I'll tag them all smile so you can search.
Today's Smile is a website with pictures of different types of animals being affectionate in a cute way not the other way...get your minds out of the gutter!
So Enjoy: Animal Love
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Funny story: Cat takes regular bus to the shops

I found this cute story this morning about a cat that takes a bus several times a week down one stop and then gets off. I'm not sure if the story is true but amusing none the less. If true, it proves that animals are often more smart then we give them credit for. I hope it gives you the same smile it gave me, Enjoy!
Garage sales here I come!

Spring is my favorite season for a variety of reasons, one of which is the start of garage sale season. I absolutely love garage sales! They are full of interesting treasures and good deals. You get to peak into someones' past and their throwbacks could be your treasures. The only down side is you need to get up a little early to get the really good stuff!
Another bonus of spring is when people are too lazy to have a garage sale they often put good stuff out for the trash or free on their lawn. I have be known to flip U-turns or make Sean turn the car around to go back and investigate. On my way back from Robyn's on Sunday I did just that. I saw what appeared to be a perfectly good child gate out for the trash. Upon further investigation it seemed to be in working order so I stuck it in the back of the Beetle and took it home. This behavior has been known to embarrass some people however I just consider myself thrifty!
Tune in for more good finds or junk depending on your point of view!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Its been a while....

I know it has been a while since my last post. I'm recovering from having tendonistis in both of my forearms and was trying to take a break from all computer use. The problem started about 2 months in my right arm. I moved to mousing with my left hand and then got it in my left arm too. After getting a whole new setup at work thanks to the ergonomic lady, I'm hopefully on the road to recovery. This whole experience has been an eye opening experience to how repetive actions can cause serious problems if not done properly. As a bonus I get to wear these extremely stylish arm bands on both forearms! Let me tell you they are a perfect accent to every outfit! I'm definately styling!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Bye Bye Gina
Well I really think I should just start picking randomly as to who is going home. I don't seem to have much of a nack for picking correctly. I'm quite sad to see Gina go home. She may not be as good as some of the others but she had the rocker thing going for her. I wish her the best of luck! Sanjaya wasn't even in the bottom 3! I'm not sure we are ever going to get rid of him!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Who is a goin' home...

I'm not sure what is about this season of American Idol but it is just not thrilling me as much as last season. Everyone just seems kinda of flat with the exception of Jordan. I think she is radiating the most personality. Sanjaya was slightly better this week but still awful. However I think he will sadly stick around another week.
Bottom three: Sanjaya, Haley, Phil
Goin' home: Haley
It was a tough call between her and phil however I don't think she is working the "HOT" factor enough. As Sean put it "I need to see more clevage before I vote for her again."
In other reality TV news: Mariela went home on the "The search for the next doll" Yes I'm still watching...sad I know! This week the girls had to learn a new song and dance in one day on a tour bus from LA to Vegas. They were practicing on a moving bus in stilletos. Quite amusing let me tell you. I can't decide if the show is a positive thing for women or not. They keep encouraging the girls to be confident and that you can't be sexy if you are not confident. However then they have them wearing very skimpy outfits and doing suggestive dance moves. I'm all for liberation and love your body but not sell your body. I think it would be awesome if this country was more open and liberal when it came to expressing your sexaully and your body.
Updates about "America's next top model to come" I'm sure all my reader are waiting in rapture for those updates! :-)
Monday, April 2, 2007
Morning Person: On Demand
Most people would tell you that I'm not a morning person and for the most part that is true. However when I have to be, I am. I don't get grumpy in the morning and after I have my shower I can be quite chiper. This morning I got up at 3:15am to take my friend Dan and his girlfriend Lisa to the airport. It was great to see them and I hope they enjoyed their stay! I'll post more about their trip later but for now I'll leave you will my observations from this morning:
1. 5am is too early for "Hey Mickey." It will probably be stuck in my head all day! Damn DJ, what a cruel joke!
2. Too many people leave too far away and commute into Boston. I mean I knew this was true but there was already a ton of cars on the road at 4:15 and by 5ish on my way to work there were more. No wonder 93 gets so jammed. You couldn't pay me enough money to want to do that commute everyday.
3. Chai not a good choice for that early stick to something without milk.
4. Quincy is a slave to routine. He wanted to be fed at 3am and I almost did before I remember it was way too early.
5. The main lights don't turn on until 5:30am at work. Although that still seem too early to me.
6. Nice and peaceful this early in the morning...I think I would still rather be sleeping though.
1. 5am is too early for "Hey Mickey." It will probably be stuck in my head all day! Damn DJ, what a cruel joke!
2. Too many people leave too far away and commute into Boston. I mean I knew this was true but there was already a ton of cars on the road at 4:15 and by 5ish on my way to work there were more. No wonder 93 gets so jammed. You couldn't pay me enough money to want to do that commute everyday.
3. Chai not a good choice for that early stick to something without milk.
4. Quincy is a slave to routine. He wanted to be fed at 3am and I almost did before I remember it was way too early.
5. The main lights don't turn on until 5:30am at work. Although that still seem too early to me.
6. Nice and peaceful this early in the morning...I think I would still rather be sleeping though.
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