Monday, April 23, 2007

Exercise Progress

I just wanted to post a quick note about my exercise progress. While I have not been able to do the Self challenge like I wanted to because of my hands I have been doing cardio around 3 times a week. This last 2 weeks I've really steped it up. So far I've lost 2-3 pounds and reduced some of my pud. While I haven't measured lately my clothes are a little looser in the tummy area and I'm less self conscience about the it, so I'm calling it progress. In prepartion for our trip to Puerto Rico, I tried on my swimming suits and while some area were more jiggly then I would have liked, overall not so bad. I still have 19 days (see top right for the count down) to make some more progress in that area! Not that I'm going to quit after our trip!

I'm attempting to work up to running so Saturday I walked some and then ran some and so on. It is getting easier to run but my legs still get tired pretty quickly. The elliptical must work most of the muslces but not the inner thighs because my inner thighs always hurt after I do some running.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I was wondering out the Self challenge cause I rembered you blogged about it some time ago, but I think it's one of those things you are not supposed to bring up until the other person brings it up first. Congrats on your progress though, keep it up! Too bad we don't live close to each other, Bridget is just starting to run again, you guys could be training partners!