Monday, April 2, 2007

Morning Person: On Demand

Most people would tell you that I'm not a morning person and for the most part that is true. However when I have to be, I am. I don't get grumpy in the morning and after I have my shower I can be quite chiper. This morning I got up at 3:15am to take my friend Dan and his girlfriend Lisa to the airport. It was great to see them and I hope they enjoyed their stay! I'll post more about their trip later but for now I'll leave you will my observations from this morning:

1. 5am is too early for "Hey Mickey." It will probably be stuck in my head all day! Damn DJ, what a cruel joke!

2. Too many people leave too far away and commute into Boston. I mean I knew this was true but there was already a ton of cars on the road at 4:15 and by 5ish on my way to work there were more. No wonder 93 gets so jammed. You couldn't pay me enough money to want to do that commute everyday.

3. Chai not a good choice for that early stick to something without milk.

4. Quincy is a slave to routine. He wanted to be fed at 3am and I almost did before I remember it was way too early.

5. The main lights don't turn on until 5:30am at work. Although that still seem too early to me.

6. Nice and peaceful this early in the morning...I think I would still rather be sleeping though.


Chris said...

I don't know how you do it! I remember you taking us to Logan Airport once at about that time in the morning, and all I really remember is that we nearly died several times from other cars driving in crazy downtown Boston. But somehow you managed to be alert enough to get us there in one piece, and I learned I'll never drive solo to Logan!

Unknown said...

Kate you were so surprisingly alert. I hope you use the early start to your week and have some more fun this weekend.

Thanks Again.

P.S. First Comment! Yay!