Today is absolutely beautiful in Boston! I just got back from a walk at lunch time. There was a nice breeze and it wasn't as hot as yesterday. Just perfect. For those living in Mass try to get out and enjoy some sun shine and warmth today! Perfect weather for the Sox's game tonight....for those going enjoy!
On a sort of weather related note...I've taken and interesting in gardening lately. So expect some garden related posts in the future. After work I'm picking up some books I reserved about gardening at the library and I've been slowly collecting possibly helpful website on my del.icio.us account. I also offered my help to my neighbor across the street to help with his garden this year. Last year and the year before he would leave us vegetable deliveries when he had an over flow. I made some awesome zucchini bread with one of his delivers and Jenn made some good pesto when she, Josh, and Max were visiting from the overflow of basil he had last year.
Fun! I'd be glad to help you try any recipes you wanted with your new gardening...
Off to read my book on the lawn at lunchtime...
I know this doesn't have to do with gardening or nice weather, but I saw it and thought this has Katy written all over it! Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvZPs8-oGcY
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