Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Doesn't Bode well....

The start to today does not bode well....While showering this morning I conditioned my hair before shampooing! Apparently I was still half asleep or something! Then I rolled my ankle while walking into the building...luckily this happens often enough I didn't fall just stumbled a little. Keep your fingers crossed that this string of events doesn't continue the rest of the day!

At least it is Wednesday! We are halfway to the weekend and I can't wait! Sean and I are going up to Maine with two other couple friends. It should be a blast! The weather is still looking pretty good so let's hope it stays that way. I'm hoping to see some piping plovers birds. These cute little birds are endangered and every year from april to august volunteers in Wells keep their nests protected. For more information about these little guys and the protection program I found this article.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Maine sounds like it is going to be fun and really relaxing!